Title: Starswept
Author: Mary Fan
Pages: 360 pages
Version: Hardcover (ARC)
Publisher: Snowy Wings Publishing
Release date: 29 September 2017
Rating: ★★★★★
First of all, I want to thank Mary Fan for sending me a signed ARC copy of her beautiful book! Thank you so much!
And third of all, here's my review:
Starswept tells the story of Iris and Dámiul. Iris is a 15-year-old violist at Papilio, a school to become a great artist and to attract an Adryil patron. All the kids at Papilio try to attract an Adryil patron so they can earn money and pay off their debts at Papilio and live their life playing music.
One night Iris meets an Adryil named Dámiul, and that moment changed everything for Iris...
Imagine all the stars in the galaxy in one pair of eyes, all the sureness of home in one pair of arms, all the heroics of a thousand epic tales in one noble heart.
This is my love.
Starswept is such a beautiful book. I love reading about aliens and this is yet another great book about aliens. Most of the time I hope that to like an ARC, but I don't like
Starswept, I LOVE
Starswept. It's such a good book and I couldn't stop reading! I highly recommend
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