Title: Chosen by Grace
Series: Divine Fate #1
Author: Alicia Rades
Pages: 228 pages
Version: Ebook (ARC)
Publisher: Crystallite Publishing
Rating: ★★★★
This book was provided by the author through Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Alicia Rades and Xpresso Book Tours!
Chosen by Grace tells the story of Ryn who always thought that the demons she saw were just a mere hallucination until that one night… Since then everything changed for Ryn. She discovered that she’s a Davina, a person that can use his/her essence and can destroy the demons…
Chosen by Grace is such an interesting concept because it’s not just people fighting demons. There's this whole history and you also have Grace, the last original. I kept on reading because I was fascinated by the story, it was just that interesting and new!
I really liked Chosen by Grace but it often seemed a bit rushed or that a lot of things were easy for the characters. Besides that, everything was really good about the book, the story was interesting and I really liked the characters. I cannot wait to read the sequel, Touched by Grace.
Series: Divine Fate #1
Author: Alicia Rades
Pages: 228 pages
Version: Ebook (ARC)
Publisher: Crystallite Publishing
Rating: ★★★★
This book was provided by the author through Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Alicia Rades and Xpresso Book Tours!
Chosen by Grace tells the story of Ryn who always thought that the demons she saw were just a mere hallucination until that one night… Since then everything changed for Ryn. She discovered that she’s a Davina, a person that can use his/her essence and can destroy the demons…
Chosen by Grace is such an interesting concept because it’s not just people fighting demons. There's this whole history and you also have Grace, the last original. I kept on reading because I was fascinated by the story, it was just that interesting and new!
I really liked Chosen by Grace but it often seemed a bit rushed or that a lot of things were easy for the characters. Besides that, everything was really good about the book, the story was interesting and I really liked the characters. I cannot wait to read the sequel, Touched by Grace.