Author: Lee Martens
Pages: 216 pages
Publisher: Secret Midnight Press
Release date: 26 October 2018
If you're a dreamer, there is no doubt you have had your heart broken a few times, whether it was by the people you loved or by your own thoughts. Secrets of a Broken Heart is a poetry collection to carry you through the heartbreak. It tells a story of healing, of how nothing matters more than to just keep dreaming no matter how much it hurts at times.
Silly dreamer
Silly dreamer,
Can't seem to stop.
Your mind drew you a ceiling,
your heart just keeps going up.
Author bio
Lee Martens is a 24-year old poet from the Netherlands. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Culture and a Master of Arts in Scriptwriting. She works for American publishing company Secret Midnight Press as a social media manager, as well as for a couple of different other brands. Her writing is usually realistic and to the point; she's as straight-forward as most Dutch people are. But underneath that, there's also a deeper layer of forever wishing for more, dreams so big she hardly dares to speak them.