For my last look, I have a vampire look for you guys. I really like vampires, I love reading books about them and watching movies about them. They’re definitely one of my favourite supernatural creatures, so I hope you guys like this look!
1. The first thing I did for this look was painting my face white. I’m already really pale, but I wanted to make it even paler.
2. The second step is the eyeshadow. I went for a lot of black eyeshadow because vampires are really dark.
3. Vampires always drink blood so that’s why I wanted to give this look a hint of red.
4. I went for black eyeliner to make this look a bit darker. This step is not necessary.
5. Some vampires get red veins in their eyes so that’s why I decided to use a red eyeliner in my waterline. Then I smudged it a bit with some black eyeshadow.
6. I got these bat lashes two years ago and I really like the effect of them. They are perfect for this look! (I also made my eyebrows darker by putting on some black eyeshadow.)
7. I decided to go with some highlighter because I cannot live without my highlighter haha! I also used a black eyeshadow as a contour/bronzer.
8. And the last step is lips. I went for black lips with blood.