Zodiac Academy: The Reckoning

Title: Zodiac Academy: The Reckoning
Series: Supernatural Beasts and Bullies #3
Authors: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Version: Ebook (ARC)
Release date: 4 October 2019
Rating: ★★★★★


The answer to your question will be revealed on the Lunar Eclipse.But when finding the truth, don’t let the shadows take you. 

The week of The Reckoning has begun. And senior students have been tasked with making the freshmen’s lives pure hell as they prepare to take their fateful assessment.

With the Lunar Eclipse on the horizon, Tory and Darcy have more to worry about than just passing their exams. A dark plot is unfolding and the shadows are drawing closer…


This book was provided by the authors in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti!

Zodiac Academy: The Reckoning is the third book in the Supernatural Beasts and Bullies series and tells the story of the twins Tory and Darcy.

Zodiac Academy: The Reckoning was such a good sequel and everything that I needed. I really love the Supernatural Beasts and Bullies series and it’s always so hard to wait for the sequel. All the books end with a massive cliffhanger and I just need the next one!

This book is about The Reckoning and whether or not Tory and Darcy will be actual students at the academy. I really loved reading about them because they’re definitely one of my favourite characters ever. This series is just one of my top favourite series!

Let’s talk about these bullies… I’m a big fan of Orion, I think he’s perfect for Darcy. I’m not so sure who’s perfect for Tory. I really like Caleb but I also have this thing for Darius… I also like the friendly side of Seth, and I don’t really have an opinion on Max. It seems like we don’t really get to know him and to be honest, I don’t really mind.

Zodiac Academy: The Reckoning was another amazing book by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti and I cannot wait for the sequel!