Zodiac Academy: The Awakening as Told by the Boys | Review

Title: Zodiac Academy: The Awakening as Told by the Boys
Series: Supernatural Beasts and Bullies #1.5
Author: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Version: Ebook (ARC)
Pages: 410 pages
Release date: 30 August 2021
Rating: ★★★★★


**This is a retelling of book 1 of Zodiac Academy from the perspective of Orion, Darius, Caleb, Seth and Max**

The Vega twins are alive.

Those five words circle in my mind like an oncoming storm. They change everything about the future we thought had been set in stone. They challenge everything we were raised to be and the stability of the entire kingdom.

They’re coming to our academy looking for the life that was stolen from them, but we can’t let them take it back.

So much hangs in the balance and we can’t risk the arrival of two naïve princesses destroying everything we worked so hard for.

I have trained in dark magic, overcome all challenges and stood in the shadow of Lionel Acrux for far too long already. I won’t let them come between me and his downfall.

Which means they have to go before they discover how powerful they truly are.

This is a retelling of the first book in the Zodiac Academy series from the point of view of Orion and the Heirs and should be read after you have finished the original story. It includes scenes from alternative points of view as well over 50k words of additional content and scenes which have never before been revealed. So prepare to step into the dark minds of the Zodiac boys and watch out for the heartbreak and carnage that will ensue.


This book was provided by the authors in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti!

Zodiac Academy: The Awakening as Told by the Boys is a retelling of the first book in the Supernatural Beasts and Bullies series, Zodiac Academy: The Awakening. You read in the boys’ POV instead of the girls’ POV.

I really love the Zodiac Academy books by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti, and when they shared the news that they were going to write the first book in the boys’ POV, I was so excited. I’ve always been interested in the boys and it was so nice to read in their perspective. If you love the Zodiac Academy books then you will definitely love this book!

It was like she was prying my ribcage open and was wrapping her hand around my heart, one firm squeeze away from destroying me.

From the moment I started reading Zodiac Academy: The Awakening I was immediately intrigued by Orion. I think he’s always been my favourite boy because he’s always been there for Darcy. Now that I could read ZA: The Awakening in his perspective, I love him even more. I loved reading his thoughts and feelings, and it was kinda cute that he was addicted to Darcy from the beginning, just like she was addicted to him. 

Why the fuck did she have to keep looking at me like I might have been something I wasn’t? Why was she trying to have faith in me when I had none in myself? I wasn’t her saviour. I wasn’t even my own saviour yet.

And then there’s Darius. I didn’t expect to feel something for him while reading the first book in his perspective because I’ve always thought that he was kinda cruel from the beginning. But he actually isn’t cruel. I think that he has a big heart but he cannot show it because of his father. I loved getting to know his side of the story and I feel sorry for him. 

You’re playing with fire, Blue. And you won’t like it when it burns.

Zodiac Academy: The Awakening as Told by the Boys was such an amazing book and I really enjoyed reading it. I really liked reading about the boys’ friendship, the bond between Orion and Darius, and the funny moments between Orion and Washer, lol! I also noticed some small hints to the other books in the ZA world and I’m not sure I would’ve noticed them if I hadn’t read all the other books that are out now. Overall I really loved this book, and I highly recommend the Zodiac Academy books!