Title: Zodiac Academy: Heartless Sky
Series: Supernatural Beasts and Bullies #7
Authors: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Pages: 989 pages
Version: Ebook (ARC)
Release date: 18 December 2021
Rating: ★★★★★
Series: Supernatural Beasts and Bullies #7
Authors: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Pages: 989 pages
Version: Ebook (ARC)
Release date: 18 December 2021
Rating: ★★★★★
The winds of fate are shifting, and it finally seems like they’ve been twisted in our favour.
On the run and cast out from society, we’ve been forced to hide from the mad man who stole our throne. But as more secrets come to light and my sister and I work harder than ever before to reach our potential and claim our birth right, the end is finally drawing closer.
There is no turning from this path now. The curse chases on our heels as time rushes by and the blood drenched destiny of the man I love looms ever closer just like the monster who stole our throne.
We must prepare for the final battle, but three things are clear now.
The cards have already been dealt.
Blood will spill for a new future to rise.
And the stars themselves can’t help us.
The fight for the throne is upon us. All hail the heartless sky.
On the run and cast out from society, we’ve been forced to hide from the mad man who stole our throne. But as more secrets come to light and my sister and I work harder than ever before to reach our potential and claim our birth right, the end is finally drawing closer.
There is no turning from this path now. The curse chases on our heels as time rushes by and the blood drenched destiny of the man I love looms ever closer just like the monster who stole our throne.
We must prepare for the final battle, but three things are clear now.
The cards have already been dealt.
Blood will spill for a new future to rise.
And the stars themselves can’t help us.
The fight for the throne is upon us. All hail the heartless sky.
This book was provided by the authors in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti!
Zodiac Academy: Heartless Sky is the seventh book in the Supernatural Beasts and Bullies series and continues the story of the twins Tory and Darcy.
My favourite writing duo finally wrote Heartless Sky and I’m a mess. Heartless Sky was such an amazing, fast-paced and addictive book. I couldn’t get enough of this massive beauty, and I loved reading about Tory, Darcy and their friends again. The Zodiac Academy books are one of my all-time favourite books, and I’m always excited for the next book. Now, after finishing Heartless Sky, I’m anxiously waiting for the next and final book in the series. So many crazy things happened to the characters, and I want to read their happily ever after!
Heartless Sky was a book filled with crazy moments, but this book also had some beautiful, spicy and sad moments. Heartless Sky was such a rollercoaster, and I don’t really know what to do with my life anymore. I felt so many different emotions while reading this book, and I loved every bit of it. Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti are both talented authors and it’s amazing what they can do with their words, how they make others feel.
As I mentioned in my review of Zodiac Academy: Fated Throne, I love the character development if you compare the first book with the latest one in the series. You can see how much the twins have grown into strong women and how much the bullies have changed into good friends/lovers. At the beginning of the ZA books, I kinda hated Caleb, Max and Seth, but now I enjoy reading in their perspectives. I also love the fact that we have so many different POVs in these books, but not too many that it’s confusing.
Zodiac Academy: Heartless Sky was such a good book, and I didn’t expect anything else. Heartless Sky was such a big book, but I highly recommend picking it up (and the other books in the series). The Zodiac Academy books are the perfect Fantasy Romance books if you’re looking for a Bully Romance/Enemies to Lovers Romance set in school.