Title: Salt & Venom
Series: Blood, Bloom & Water #2
Author: Amy McNulty
Pages: 227 pages
Version: Ebook (ARC)
Publisher: Snowy Wings Publishing
Rating: ★★★★
This book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Amy McNulty!
Salt & Venom focuses on Ivy’s story as the mermaid champion. Ivy never wanted to be the mermaid champion, but she had to because her step-sister is the vampire champion.
Salt & Venom is the second book in the Blood, Bloom & Water series and I really liked this one. I even think that this book is better than the first book, Fangs & Fins. I remember not really liking the double perspective and Salt & Venom is only in Ivy’s perspective.
I think that the pace of this book was faster than Fangs & Fins, and I really enjoyed reading it. I read this story pretty quickly because I kept on reading because I really liked it, and I didn’t have that feeling with Fangs & Fins.
I also want to mention the epic plot twist at the end of the book. I really didn’t see it coming and I thought this book was going to end differently. I still hope that somehow everyone can accept each other and live next to each other. But who knows?
Salt & Venom was an amazing sequel and I cannot wait to read Iron & Aqua!
Series: Blood, Bloom & Water #2
Author: Amy McNulty
Pages: 227 pages
Version: Ebook (ARC)
Publisher: Snowy Wings Publishing
Rating: ★★★★
This book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Amy McNulty!
Salt & Venom focuses on Ivy’s story as the mermaid champion. Ivy never wanted to be the mermaid champion, but she had to because her step-sister is the vampire champion.
Salt & Venom is the second book in the Blood, Bloom & Water series and I really liked this one. I even think that this book is better than the first book, Fangs & Fins. I remember not really liking the double perspective and Salt & Venom is only in Ivy’s perspective.
I think that the pace of this book was faster than Fangs & Fins, and I really enjoyed reading it. I read this story pretty quickly because I kept on reading because I really liked it, and I didn’t have that feeling with Fangs & Fins.
I also want to mention the epic plot twist at the end of the book. I really didn’t see it coming and I thought this book was going to end differently. I still hope that somehow everyone can accept each other and live next to each other. But who knows?
Salt & Venom was an amazing sequel and I cannot wait to read Iron & Aqua!